How Caitlin eased her Parkinson's symptoms with SYMBYX light therapy

Anyone who has Parkinson's will tell you that it can absolutely drain your energy. That is why it was so incredible to connect with Caitlin Nagy last month; mother to a four year-old daughter, wife, entrepreneur, creative director and Young Onset Parkinson's Disease (YOPD) advocate. And we were absolutely inspired by her energy, excitement to share her experience, and drive to raise awareness of how Parkinson's affects women. 

In 2014, at the age of 31, Caitlin first started noticing symptoms starting with a hand tremor. Within a year, she was then diagnosed with a Parkinsonism. Caitlin has been using SYMBYX light therapy as part of an integrated approach to manage her symptoms and monthly flare ups. 

Here were her thoughts:

I'm thrilled to share a transformative journey I embarked on over the last three months. As a woman battling Parkinson's Disease (PD), I've faced various challenges, but my recent experience with the SYMBYX PDCare Laser and Neuro Helmet has opened a new chapter in managing my symptoms. Throughout my entire 9 year journey with PD, I have never given up in my search to discover new modalities.

Three months ago, I was fortunate enough to get my hands on the lastest therapy treatment for PD symptoms; red light therapy. As someone who has consistently struggled with symptom flare-ups, particularly around my menstrual cycle, I approached this opportunity with cautious optimism.

I began a protocol of using the SYMBYX Neuro 3 days a week, followed by the PDCare focusing on specific points on my abdomen and vagus nerve.

By the second month of using the red light therapy treatment, I observed a significant reduction in my dyskinesia and apathy, allowing me to sustain my energy for longer periods. 

Three months ago, I was fortunate enough to get my hands on the lastest therapy treatment for PD symptoms; red light therapy. As someone who has consistently struggled with symptom flare-ups, particularly around my menstrual cycle, I approached this opportunity with cautious optimism.

I began a protocol of using the SYMBYX Neuro 3 days a week, followed by the PDCare focusing on specific points on my abdomen and vagus nerve.

By the second month of using the red light therapy treatment, I observed a significant reduction in my dyskinesia and apathy, allowing me to sustain my energy for longer periods. 

During my peak points of my cycle where I feel my best (usually around my follicular, leading up to ovulation), I felt motivated enough to pick up my guitar and strum some cords for a good hour. The first time this happened was an amazing feeling as I hadn't played in a long time, something I've definitely been missing. It was a beautiful sunny day and spent the afternoon sitting on my porch singing and playing guitar. It felt so good to be able to do that!

Normally, my symptoms and [side effects to medication] drastically increase the last three days of my cycle (Days 25-28). I can hardly get out of bed and if I do the dyskinesia is so bad that I am like a bull in a china shop."

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PDCare Laser
PDCare Laser

The world’s only CE and ARTG listed device for the reduction of Parkinson’s. Painless. Non-invasive. 

When it comes to efficacy, not all light therapy is created equal. Our PDCare Laser incorporates the highest quality near-infrared diodes  with a scientifically tested treatment protocol that has been clinically shown improvements in Parkinson’s symptoms.

Improve your gut microbiome. Help digestion. Manage pain. Increase restful sleep. Reduce inflammation. Stimulate cellular energy and the gut brain connection.

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