SYMBYX is delighted to announce today a new Parkinson’s randomised control clinical trial (RCT) in collaboration with The Hospital Research Foundation Group - Parkinson’s (THRFG) and Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia. THRFG - Parkinson’s is led by Olivia Nassaris (pictured above left). Principal investigator of the trial will be Dr Joyce Ramos, pictured (above right), of Flinders University, Adelaide. Joyce is attached to the College of Nursing and Health Sciences and is also a Research Fellow at the University of Queensland.
The Flinders University trial protocols will broadly follow those currently under investigation in the Parkinson’s RCT being undertaken in Toronto, Canada. Since the Toronto trial is only scheduled to run for 12 weeks, the 2022 Flinders trial will allow investigators to assess the effects of light therapy (also known as photobiomodulation) over a much longer period - for at least one year.
This trial will be the world’s first long-term, double-blinded, placebo trial in Parkinson’s using light therapy.
According to SYMBYX CEO, Dr Wayne Markman, “the trial should yield valuable data on whether our PDCare Laser slows or even halts disease progression and by how much. We already know that patients derive significant short-term benefits from our therapy. This is absolutely critical research into what historically has been an intractable, neurodegenerative condition that typically doesn’t improve”. He further added that, “Olivia and her team were involved in an earlier SYMBYX Adelaide trial with Dr Ann Liebert, Co-Founder of SYMBYX. This trial was reported in the 2021 July edition of BMC Neurology. We greatly appreciate Olivia's ongoing support and preparedness to think outside of the box.”
THRFG-Parkinson’s have recently announced a special Christmas funding appeal for research into infra-red light therapy and have also committed to fully funding this new trial. Publication and results are expected in 2023.
Olivia Nassaris, Executive Director of THRFG - Parkinson’s said, “we chose to look into the area of photomodulation because of strong community interest. The community is very interested in a complementary therapy that causes no harm and can possibly improve everyday living. THRFG - Parkinson’s is funding this project because we are committed to maximising choice, independence and the wellbeing of all people living with Parkinson’s.”
Trial participants must be based in South Australia and can follow upcoming trial announcements, including key recruiting dates at the THRFG - Parkinson's website,
For any media inquiries, please contact our team by emailing or calling +61 2 8066 9966