
We’re driven to help our customers unlock a new normal. With the best infrared and red light therapy devices on the market, we provide tangible relief, taking pride in improving the lives of thousands. Our community motivates the innovation that delivers these transformative results.

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Video Testimonials

How the PDCare has assisted Anne with her PD


Pete regain's his sense of smell after SYMBYX light therapy


Donna uses SYMBYX to improve her sleep


Valerie can now knit with her reduced hand rigidity


Arie and Sheridan share their experience with SYMBYX light therapy


Kevin experiences improved digestion after SYMBYX


Tony Wilkinson has had a restful night sleep, thanks to SYMBYX


Julie's balance, off periods and memory has improved with light therapy

Pain and Inflammation

Sussie's receive pain relief from SYMBYX light therapy


How the PDCare has assisted Anne with her PD


Pete regain's his sense of smell after SYMBYX light therapy


Donna uses SYMBYX to improve her sleep


Valerie can now knit with her reduced hand rigidity


Arie and Sheridan share their experience with SYMBYX light therapy


Kevin experiences improved digestion after SYMBYX


Tony Wilkinson has had a restful night sleep, thanks to SYMBYX


Julie's balance, off periods and memory has improved with light therapy

Pain and Inflammation

Sussie's receive pain relief from SYMBYX light therapy


 "I bought the PDCare Laser because it had the advantage of being portable so I could use it anywhere, including at home. The feeling I had with the orthostatic tremor was sheer panic, like I was going to pass out. After using the PDCare it all went ! It was like a miracle to me. I am a very great fan of the device and the overall effects on people with Parkinson's. In my case, the tremor is virtually gone".

Suzanne, Sydney

“I had no energy, always felt tired. I also had dizziness, rigidity and balance issues when walking. I read some studies about light therapy and its effect on Parkinson’s disease. Everything made sense and I had nothing to lose trying this treatment. Within a few weeks I started to notice change in symptoms. I noticed I had more energy and motivation; the dizziness and balance issues were also gradually disappearing."

Jorge, Equador

At week 12 using both PDCare and Neuro, I am feeling calmer, am walking better and for longer distances, and feel like my movements are more fluid. I am excited to continue this therapy.

Don, United Kingdom

Real Stories. Real Relief.

Parkinson’s, PDCare Laser

"Straight away his mood and sleep improved and he stopped getting nightmares" says Lucie from Coastal NSW, Australia.

Before starting light therapy with SYMBYX, the main thing for (my partner) Paul was the off periods in Parkinson's. They were getting longer and his mood was getting worse. Paul is a really active and energetic person and a sailor, so having to spend increasing amounts of his time each day to deal with off periods was making him depressed. He felt like he couldn’t see a future. That’s where we were.This really concerned us because we thought things were just going to keep getting worse and worse, because doctors told us that’s what happens, that over time the effectiveness of the medication unfortunately wanes.In February this year we started down the path of investigating Deep Brain Surgery at the same time as looking around for therapies that might supplement his meds and enhance their effectiveness. A friend saw an article about light therapy in The Australian newspaper which told how treating the gut microbiome was providing relief for some people with Parkinson’s. After the first session with SYMBYX, Paul got an amazing result - immediate relief from constipation. After subsequent sessions (using the PDCare Laser at home) I would describe the results as astounding. His mood and sleep improved and he stopped getting nightmares. When he gets nightmares they are accompanied by involuntary movements/thrashing about. These went away. This was good for him and me - as I sleep with him! He used to wake several times each night and be unable able to get back to sleep. Now he typically sleeps from 10PM - 6AM. When Paul was a having a bad day and loads of bad broken sleeps he wasn’t up for socialising or doing other things he used to enjoy and this affected both of us. That he is having far less bad days/nights now means we have rediscovered our social life and that works for both of us. It’s also true to say I am also sleeping better because he is no longer thrashing around so it’s a win-win as a couple. Having many more better days means we can do all the things we love – sailing, boating, spending time with our family and friends like everyone else does.

Please note that the PDCare laser was used as an adjunct therapy in addition to Paul's PD medication.

Parkinson’s, PDCare Laser


"After I received the Parkinson’s diagnosis in December 2020, I suffered from severe depression and slept very poorly. I introduced myself to three university clinics and three neurologists. Everyone told me to take medication. Besides NeuroEpo, which I started in December 2022, I’m still not taking any medication.

After I’d done my own research on the Internet, I came across the PDCare Laser by SYMBYX and ordered it. A few weeks later I noticed the first improvements in my symptoms which I believe are attributable to the PDCare Laser.

My mood is now very good again, my sleep has improved as well as my sense of smell. My left hand is more flexible and the muscle tension improved. All these symptoms were impacting my everyday life.

I hope that the PDCare Laser spreads quickly so that as many people as possible can experience the benefits of this therapy (which has no side effects!).

My symptoms are barely regressing since I first got diagnosed with PD in 2020.

I now use the DuoCare 904, which reduces the treatment time of the PD protocol from 20 to 7 minutes. I bought this so I can treat the painful areas on my foot more flexibly, which start cramping after walking for 1 KM. On holiday I take my lighter PDCare with me.

Many, many thanks to the SYMBYX Team for the ongoing and loving support."

Parkinson’s, PDCare Laser

"I can treat my pain and it's no longer debilitating" says Susie from Sydney, Australia.

Throughout my life I have been plagued with aches and pains. So, I am use to having pain and learning different ways to manage it. 

 I bought the PhysioCare at that time I was suffering from lower back pain, pain in my gluts, and in my shoulder as well. I used it in response to pain and it would help immediately, and I used it for a few days – I used it every alternate day because that’s what was advised in the brochure. So, it became a tool, and I would rather use that than take Ibuprofen or paracetamol to help.  


I was using it off and on and then, then I got a new pain!  At my age it is all about new pains, I got a new pain in my knee. I had a baker’s cyst at the back of my knee – which I tried all sorts of things to get rid of but they are persistent things, bakers cysts, it hung around. I started to use the Symbyx device around my knee to give me relief for that. It helped a lot, you can’t fix the bakers cyst, that’s still there, but it helps with the corresponding muscle pain up and down the calf and around my knee. So, I’m pain free in that area at the moment.  

 And then more recently, this year, end of march, I got shingles, which is another pesky little complaint. It’s a very painful complaint. The shingles blisters were around my hip and it shot down my leg. It was excruciating and I ended up taking a drug which did give me pain relief, but I had to take quite a high dose and it had strong spacey/space-out side effect.  I still got the pain from time to time but I didn’t want to go any higher on my dose because it was already giving me a lot of problems in my day-to-day life. That’s when I took advise from a Physio, who as a friend said “you know, you’ve got that red light device. It could help you with the nerve pain shooting down your leg”. I had to stay on the medication, but the device gave me the top up in a way that meant that I didn’t have to increase my dose any further and I am free of the shingles pain now.  

Being able to use a drug free alternative, freely, so to speak, without any side effect has meant that I can treat my pain and not have that debilitating ongoing pain. And I am certainly a nicer person to be around as a result of that.  

Fibromyalgia, PhysioCare Laser

My Fibromyalgia aches and pains have really improved, says Donna

"I have been using PhysioCare for over 2 months for my Fibromyalgia. I have noticed an improvement in the aching tenderness in my neck, shoulders and elbows. I use my SYMBYX light therapy device every day or so in the morning. After only a couple of weeks of using it I noticed that my aching/pain had really improved - my flare-ups are now less often. I really like how the PhysioCare is drug free. My rheumatologist and GP prescribed medication which I am reluctant to take as a lifelong treatment option. I had a recent Fibromyalgia flare up in my hip and noticed after using my PhysioCare an immediate improvement. It just didn’t feel as painful. Overall infrared light therapy has helped me manage my fibromyalgia symptoms much better than before”

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