As discussed in a peer reviewed article published last year, 'The Dark Art of Light Measurement', photobiomodualtion or light therapy's effectiveness is extremely dependent on the right dosage, time and energy or wavelength being provided for the specific health condition being addressed.
This 'goldilocks condition of 'not too much, not too little, but just right,' if you like, is well understood by SYMBYX in all that we do. We continue to be involved and sponsor much clinical and scientific research to find the right parameters for specific conditions such as Parkinson's, Fibromyalgia, Bowel Disease, Lymphoedema, Peripheral Neuropathy, Chronic Pain and other gut mediated conditions. With our Swedish, Korean and Australian manufacturing partners we design ISO approved devices to ensure that our patients gain an effective therapy with the correct treatment protocols and results that are backed by scientific trials and clinical evidence.
All SYMBYX treatment protocols can be found via this link, and all SYMBYX device purchases are supported by free worldwide clinical support comprised of qualified, practising health professionals experienced in light therapy or photobiomodulation. Please email us on to make your appointment.